You’re one of my favorite writers and definitely the Marilyn scholar. You most likely don’t remember, but i once asked how you’re able to create even with depression, and you told me it’s supremely difficult, but you do it. I’ve struggled with suicidal feelings, too. But i haven’t ever been able to fully embrace the madwoman like you have, Angelica.
Thanks for your review and this newsletter. I was always fond of Marilyn. The Misfits was one of the first movies I had seen, and her work left me breathless. The way she and Monty Clift, another troubled soul, interact is just...mesmerizing. Thank you for recognizing Marilyn’s artistry and humanity 💖
I know this is an old comment but I really appreciate this kindness. Thank you for engaging with my work so diligently. I know creating with depression on your back is hell but we need your work. So persevere and find joy in the process!
As a 54 year-old actress, singer, and writer whose creative life has always been sabotaged by my own mental (and physical) illness, I relate to so much of this it hurts.
New subscriber. Wish I’d been aware of you long ago, glad I am now.
Your take on Blonde was the only one I was waiting breathlessly for. Thank you for your wonderful Vulture piece, and thank you for so eloquently and clearly calling out the ugliness that has pervaded this whole enterprise. I'm so happy I found your newsletter.
This is my first time reading any of your work. I enjoyed it quite a bit and am intrigued by your voice. I knew going into the film, the content was going to be controversial, so I watched it without giving that much depth in my spirit. I admire Marilyn and will watch anything with her in it as well as any biopic about her. And there are quite a few! The thing about her is no one really knows her story except for her. And she's dead. And famous. And fair game for those looking to make a buck.
Which makes your line, "I worry about what happens when other people have a chance to write my story, that’s why I must write it on my own." all the more relevant and important. I worry about that for myself.
I'm happy to subscribe to your newsletter and look forward to reading more of your work.
Btw, the ticking clock thing is freakin' crazy scary. I've never heard of it before. I mean, life is short and you never know how much time you have, but this is an added feature of torment I'm sorry is out there. Isn't it hard enough to just keep words written down on paper? Must there be an added level of pressure? And then, on top of that, have to smile through the whole thing?
"I don’t think it’s a coincidence being an artist has been obliterated from the Monroe mythology. Oates can’t connect with Monroe as an artist because she doesn’t see her as one."
You’re one of my favorite writers and definitely the Marilyn scholar. You most likely don’t remember, but i once asked how you’re able to create even with depression, and you told me it’s supremely difficult, but you do it. I’ve struggled with suicidal feelings, too. But i haven’t ever been able to fully embrace the madwoman like you have, Angelica.
Thanks for your review and this newsletter. I was always fond of Marilyn. The Misfits was one of the first movies I had seen, and her work left me breathless. The way she and Monty Clift, another troubled soul, interact is just...mesmerizing. Thank you for recognizing Marilyn’s artistry and humanity 💖
I know this is an old comment but I really appreciate this kindness. Thank you for engaging with my work so diligently. I know creating with depression on your back is hell but we need your work. So persevere and find joy in the process!
Thank you for this. Hate the way Monroe has been conceived as Trauma Barbie instead of the complex, intelligent, *skilled* artist she was.
Astonishing writing. Brava.
As a 54 year-old actress, singer, and writer whose creative life has always been sabotaged by my own mental (and physical) illness, I relate to so much of this it hurts.
New subscriber. Wish I’d been aware of you long ago, glad I am now.
Your take on Blonde was the only one I was waiting breathlessly for. Thank you for your wonderful Vulture piece, and thank you for so eloquently and clearly calling out the ugliness that has pervaded this whole enterprise. I'm so happy I found your newsletter.
You knocked it out of the park. Every word from you is wonderful. Thank you.
As always Angelica has written a most interesting take on the subject matter.
An absolutely wonderful, moving piece.
This is my first time reading any of your work. I enjoyed it quite a bit and am intrigued by your voice. I knew going into the film, the content was going to be controversial, so I watched it without giving that much depth in my spirit. I admire Marilyn and will watch anything with her in it as well as any biopic about her. And there are quite a few! The thing about her is no one really knows her story except for her. And she's dead. And famous. And fair game for those looking to make a buck.
Which makes your line, "I worry about what happens when other people have a chance to write my story, that’s why I must write it on my own." all the more relevant and important. I worry about that for myself.
I'm happy to subscribe to your newsletter and look forward to reading more of your work.
Btw, the ticking clock thing is freakin' crazy scary. I've never heard of it before. I mean, life is short and you never know how much time you have, but this is an added feature of torment I'm sorry is out there. Isn't it hard enough to just keep words written down on paper? Must there be an added level of pressure? And then, on top of that, have to smile through the whole thing?
"I don’t think it’s a coincidence being an artist has been obliterated from the Monroe mythology. Oates can’t connect with Monroe as an artist because she doesn’t see her as one."